Inclusion and SEND

Inclusion at Stillness Infant school

At Stillness Infant School, we believe that every pupil has an equal right to success, regardless of gender, disability and ethnicity.  They access a broad, rich and engaging curriculum in order to reach their full potential.

The atmosphere in which this can be successfully created needs to be exciting and stimulating allowing all children to be valued and supported.

This comprises the four main areas of SEND:

Cognition and Learning

Sensory and/or Physical

Communication and Interaction

Social Emotional Mental Health

If you have any concerns about your child or children, please talk initially to your child’s class teacher or make an appointment to speak to Ms Pryce, our school Inclusion Manager/SENDCO.

Our Local Offer

We address all barriers to learning through early identification and targeted interventions.

We have a partnership approach and work with parents and pupils to ensure all our children’s learning needs are identified with specific assessment, targeted and specialised support and regular reviews of progress.

We aim is to equip all pupils with the positive attitude to promote and build on their skills, knowledge and vocabulary using a whole school approach.

Our Needs at Stillness Infant School

Speech and Language:

  • A language rich learning environment.
  • Adults modelling high quality language in class and across the school In school Speech and language therapist one day a week Assessment and intervention by a speech and language therapist.
  • Provision of small group speaking and listening skills support by a Teaching Assistant who has been specifically trained in the delivery of this intervention by our school based Speech and Language Therapist.
  • Memory building groups to enable children to gain strategies to recall information.
  • The use of visual prompts, symbols and signs to assist communication.
  • Priority is given to the continuous assessment of language from Nursery through to Year 2.

Social Emotional and Mental Health

  • Values based curriculum across the school to promote community cohesion and positive, caring and supportive relationships across the school community.
  • In class circle time.
  • Talk partners developed and promoted from the Nursery throughout the school.
  • Educational Psychology advisor and support from Outreach Inclusion Team.
  • Outreach support via Autistic Spectrum Disorder outreach team based at Drumbeat school.
  • Emotional wellbeing and regulation Support with the Learning Mentor.

Cognition and Learning

  • Differentiated learning to scaffold and extend learning-challenging all learners High quality concrete materials.
  • Precision teaching.
  • Local Authority Specialist Teacher support including an Educational Psychology advisor to ensure children are support with the appropriate strategies.
  • ICT and assistive technology.
  • Diagnostic tools used to assess and support barriers to learning.

Physical Need

  • Access to strategies/programmes to support occupational/physiotherapy needs including sensory circuit.
  • Pupils identified with specific physical needs are supported through use of specialized equipment, peer sensitivity and adult support.

Medical Need

  • Initial liaison with medical professional and parents of children with medical issues to establish child’s needs in school and, where appropriate, draw up care plans.
  • Staff training in the administration of support and/or medication for conditions including epilepsy, diabetes and anaphylaxis shock.
  • Liaison with medical professionals providing ongoing treatment to children in the school.
  • Posters with photographs of child and detailing the child’s condition and, where relevant, required medication displayed in staffroom, teachers planning folders and the school kitchen.
  • Individual protocols for children with significant medical needs. Implementation of risk assessments.
  • Support staff trained in First Aid and Paediatric First Aid.

Numeracy and Literacy Barriers

  • Highly effective use of questioning to identify misconceptions and extend thinking Differentiated learning to scaffold and extend learning-challenging all learners High quality concrete materials to promote a wider range of models.
  • An investigative approach to developing mathematical thinking.
  • Quality First Teaching which relentlessly aims to engage and inspire pupils learning motivation
  • A passionate commitment to develop the love of stories.
  • Differentiated learning to scaffold and extend learning-challenging all learners High quality concrete materials.
  • Small group phonic support.
  • 1:1 reading alongside reading intervention programmes.


Pupils With Medical Conditions Policy

SEND Transition Guidance Policy

Special Educational Needs Inclusion Policy 2023

SEN Information Report 2023

Accessibility Policy And Plan  2021

Administering Of Medications Policy Sep 2023

Meet the Inclusion Team

School Address

Stillness Infant School
Brockley Rise
London SE23 1NH

020 8690 1208