Flu Spray For Children – Rec – Y1 – Y2

It’s that time of the year again! 


The Lewisham School Health Immunisation team commissioned by NHS England will be attending Stillness Infants School on the 6th of Oct-2023 to deliver the Flu vaccine to children in Rec-Year 1 and Year 2 with consents. 


The team is using online parent portal to gain consent.  Please open with google chrome or on any smart phone. 


Please register to give consent or refuse for your child/ren to be given the nasal flu spray in school (See email sent from School with all information needed)



Oct 06 2023


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Comments are closed.

School Address

Stillness Infant School
Brockley Rise
London SE23 1NH

020 8690 1208