Y2 London Eye River Cruise
Dear Parents/Carers,
On Thursday 6th July the children will be going on their final Year 2 trip to visit the London Eye and go on the London River Cruise as a treat. The cost of the trip will be £18. We will be travelling by train to central London in the morning, timings to be confirmed. School lunch will be provided but if you wish to pack extra snack and water then please do.
Without your financial support we will not be able to give the children these beneficial experiences and we will be relying heavily on your contribution of £18 per child in order to proceed with this trip.
If you would like to help a family in need who will not be able to afford this experience, via ParentPay you will have this opportunity.
The contribution is set at a maximum of £36. If you’re just paying for your child please just pay £18 but if you are paying for someone else anything you add on top of the £18 will be used for a family in need.
If your child is Pupil Premium please see Angelica.
We only have a few parent helper tickets available so if you wish to join us please do let us know on Parent Pay asap. We really wish to take all the children and therefore appreciate the cost of this trip will be expensive for some.
Many thanks,
Year 2 Team