Ofsted Reports
Please find below a link to our latest Ofsted inspection report. We are immensely proud of the contribution made by our staff and pupils to what is overall a very positive report. The inspection involved visits to lessons, discussion with pupils, staff and governors, and you may recall that this all took place during some extremely hot weather right at the end of the summer term 2022. Overall, the school effectiveness was judged good, with an outstanding judgement for Personal development. I am particularly pleased to share some of the inspectors’ findings with you, which celebrate the amazing work of our school:
- Children enjoy learning because teachers ‘make it fun’. Children have a positive attitude, enjoy their learning, with positivity and commitment. Educational visits are well planned and support the children’s learning. Children have opportunities to pursue their interests and talents through a wide range of well-planned outings, clubs and performances
- Children describe our staff as kind and caring, and our children feel safe. They say that they can approach any adult if they are worried and our adults respond swiftly to any concerns that the children raise. They feel listened to.
- Leaders want the best for the children. The curriculum is broad and rich with well-chosen experiences that enable the children to make connections with what they have learned.
- Behaviour is good. The children are polite and play well together. They speak clearly about how to be safe.
- Leaders ensure that there is a highly consistent provision of personal development for all. Children show a strong understanding of morals underpinned by their thorough knowledge of our school values, such as making the right choices. They can name the school values with confidence and give examples of how they show them in school. There is a ‘have a go’ culture where children understand that making mistakes is an opportunity for learning.
- Staff celebrate how leaders ‘go the extra mile’ in caring for them, children and families. Leaders consider staff workload and ensure that staff have a healthy work-life balance.
- Links with parents and carers are particularly strong and they are overwhelmingly positive about the school. They visit the school often and show great commitment, for example attending concerts.
- Leaders have high expectations and ensure that our children achieve highly.
Regarding the final bullet point, we are pleased to let you all know that the children’s attainment in July 2022 was well above the Local Authority and National averages in all year groups.
I would especially like to thank those parents who completed the inspection survey, which was both insightful and very positive. We are always striving to improve our provision for our children, and as such, we acknowledge that there are always areas for development. As reviewed with our governors, we will be using the inspection team’s suggested action along with parent feedback within our school development plan to improve our provision further for all children, who remain at the heart of everything we do.