PE Premium

The PE and Sports premium 2024-2025 is used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport at Stillness Infant School for the benefit of all pupils, to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles.

Stillness Infant school will use the PE and sport premium to:

  • develop or add to the PE, physical activity and sport that we provide
  • build capacity and capability within our school to ensure that improvements made now are sustainable and will benefit pupils joining the school in future years

Stillness Infant school will use the PE and sport premium to secure improvements in the following 4 key indicators.

Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity, for example by

  • ​​providing targeted activities or support to involve and encourage the least active children
  • encouraging active play during break times and lunchtimes
  • establishing, extending or funding attendance of school sports clubs and activities and holiday clubs, or broadening the variety offered
  • adopting an active mile initiative​

2024/5 Evaluation and Planned Expenditure of the PE and Sport Premium Report

School Address

Stillness Infant School
Brockley Rise
London SE23 1NH

020 8690 1208