Getting Involved/FOSI
We know that the more parents/carers are involved with school, the more their children benefit.
There are lots of ways you can get involved in school life. These include:
- volunteering to help in a classroom
- volunteering to help on a school trip
- attending consultation meetings with teachers
- attending curriculum events to find out how to support children’s learning at home
- attending whole school events such as special assemblies, Christmas Fairs, etc…
- becoming a governor (when vacancies arise)
- supporting FOSI (Friends of Stillness Infants’) – our PTA – either by attending, helping out or organising!
All parents/carers are automatically members of FOSI.
FOSI is the group which organises a range of events over the year to raise funds for the school. These events include Curry and Quiz Nights, Discos for children, Summer and Christmas Fairs, etc. Funds raised recently have been used to provide enrichment activities for children, such as drumming workshops and theatre group visits, as well as larger scale projects such as playground equipment and, most recently, our reading retreat.
You can get involved by attending FOSI events or, even better, helping out at events. It’s a great team of people to work with and lots of friendships have developed.